倒影里的线条4000 hotpot四千高原火锅餐厅设计
Even if the future world has no precise definition, I imagine a fantastic and mystical future world. I am always imagining the lineament of future space in my mind, to better represent a human’s sensual life. Therefore, I have designed a future technological inverted reflection in parallel space to evoke a person’s outlook of the alternative world.
本概念餐厅是一家有特色的高原食材火锅,定位未来感的用餐环境,将改变原有火锅的就餐环境,形成浓厚差异化、趣味性、以及十足的体验感。设计中使用大量行云流水、层次分明的曲线造型线条,强烈的解构主义美学,打破固化的方正、有序的格局,以柔中带刚的曲线展示未来感。为了呈现空间平行的倒影效果,运用镜面反射效果的黑色镜面地砖、银色镜面不锈钢、水波纹不锈钢等材料。再加上灯光颜色的融入,营造出一个流光溢彩的倒影平行空间 ,实景与倒影一实一虚,遥相辉映,极大提高了整个空间纵深感与视觉冲击力。
Designed restaurant which has a special hotpot made up of highland ingredients combined to create a sense of future technology for the dining environment. Compared with a traditional hotpot restaurant, this new concept establishes otherness, freshness, and temporal and spatial illusions. The design refers to the future scientific and technological elements from the films: Star Wars, Planet Space, and Astronaut. Using a large quantity of flowing water, hierarchical clear curves and lines, integrated with strong deconstructive aesthetics these break the stereotypes in order to express the sense of the future. Moreover, mirror reflections, black mirror tiles, silver mirror stainless steel, water corrugated stainless steel and other materials are all for the benefit to create the effect of a inverted reflection in parallel space to enhance the sense of quality.
The integration of light creates glowing shadows in parallel space, the scene composes to reality and virtuality, which greatly improves the entire space’s vertical feeling and visual impact, so that the space appears more magnificent with a very cool future aspect. When the customers experience interaction between the space and light, they will sink into deep consciousness of light and shadow with a subtle sense of charm.
the hall characterizes an important role for the restaurant. When you take the elevator up, six meters above the art hall, especially, when the elevator door opens at that moment you feel like you are trancing into alternative space and time, which have been embraced by the lights and shadows. The ceiling is designed by a geometric figure with silver mirror stainless steel mixed with curved lines, the wall inserts arcuate lines and elegant black mirror tiles, showing a contrasting image between the soft lines and rigid metal.
From the art hall to the dining hall, the open view you can see the core of the "birdcage" and "wormhole”. The large private room is like a "birdcage" design, which is covered in stainless steel pipe. The ceiling has adopted water corrugated stainless steel, giving a sense of abstraction and fashion, this design alone has obtained praise from the younger generation.
The other bright spot is the art tunnel that looks like a “wormhole” with a curved shape design to highlight expressionism and artistic creation. The purpose of this has two aspects. One the one hand, we want images of animals and the ecological environment, so more people can pay attention to the harmonious coexistence between “humans and the ecological environment" and “humans and animals". On the other hand, the living space in modern society suffers from many pressures which are indispensable, designed subjects are more interesting and make things interactive so that people have a new perspective in experiencing this visual magic. In the meantime, taking photos to share with family and friends. The enjoyment and inspiration can also release people’s everyday pressures and stress and help promote people’s love for art design.
The dining area uses glass as partition and glass corridor as reflection to form a sense of interlacing space and enhance the interesting experience and space sharing of diners.
The toilet uses colour changing lights to make the space fashionable and illusory.
项目名称: 四千高原火锅